We are convinced that NFTs can be more than a speculative tool.
This must start with us first of all. In a transparent way, in the event of a sold-out, we would like to set up a company and allow everyone to talk about us without anonymity or secrets. Everyone will be able to examine and evaluate our profiles and, in this way, also our professionalism and management skills.
We would like our project to become a case study to allow everyone to hope for a new way of conceiving business activity using the world of NFTs as a tool.
We will immediately contact financial and agri-food sector operators to tell our story and allow them to understand who we are and, above all, where we want to go. Influencers and selected journalists will thus be able to follow and evaluate our choices and our milestones with an approach that we would really like to be transparent and proactive, gradually sharing projections and data. In addition to our traditional holders, we would also like to address more structured and institutional investors with methods and approaches different from those used up to now. This choice seems to us consistent with our specific business activity which is aimed at the trade of real goods (beer) on a national and international scale.
We propose a business approach that is not in the metaverse but is well-rooted in the real world, made up of goods that can be touched (and drunk) and which can generate significant benefits for our holders.
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